Tuesday, January 11, 2011

suburban gothic #7 finally makes an appearance.

it's been six years since i last made an issue of suburban gothic, and a lot's happened in that time, but i'm finally ready to start talking about it. issue #7 (subtitled "six years in limbo, part one") is the first in a multipart series detailing the (mostly) downward spiral of the course of my life over the span of the six years i've been more or less absent from zinedom.

calling this zine "text-heavy" is pretty generous; it's 24 half-letter pages of almost entirely text and nothing but. (i tried to make up for it by picking nice fonts, at least?) topics in this issue include academic burnout, attendance at a feminist conference and my reflections on it, troubles with friends and my methods of dealing with them, etc. i will also include a 
trigger warning here for a brief discussion of an acquaintance's suicide.

an excerpt: "by the time i was on my way out, i positively hated the university, and i 
loathed the chancellor, and i saw no point in writing some bullshit speech full of false goodwill about what a great experience i'd had. my college experience had been frustrating and faith-breaking. nobody wants to hear a commencement speech like that."

a copy can be yours for a mere $2 stateside or $3 elsewhere in the world. i'm also up for trades.

ordering info is as follows:

paypal to vespiaries at gmail dot com; well-concealed cash can be mailed to Rae//p.o. box 8023//omaha, ne 68108-0023//usa.

distro consideration copies are available on request!


  1. hi! i followed your link from We Make Zines.
    i was wondering if you'd be up for a trade, your zine for my first zine (made for last year's 24-Hour Zine Challenge). it's called Ladybug, you can check it here http://ladybugzine.blogspot.com.
