it's march again, which apparently means it's time for another issue of recinerated. issue #3 is smaller than the previous issues, but more a reflection of "quality vs quantity," as i note in the introduction. i wanted to sift the most important parts from the bulk of the year's written material, and this is what was left.
the handful of scenes that compose recinerated #3 are the product of an awful year, full of questioning what it means to cross that threshold from 20-something to 30-something. the ensuing tales are loosely themed around the metric song "live it out," as it applied to my life in 2011.
an excerpt: "i thought i'd be doing better than this by the time i got this old. i thought i'd be doing better, or i thought i'd already be dead. out of the two options, i'm still not entirely decided on which is more favorable.
"but in listening to this song, tonight, i nod my head - i, too, want to 'live it out.' i just don't know how to, and i fear i'm running out of time to learn."
recinerated #3 is 24 eighth legal pages, mostly text, with a colored vellum cover (assorted colors, chosen at random). copies can be had for $1 each postage-paid in the u.s., or $2 anywhere else. trades are excellent, and distro consideration copies are available on request.
ordering info is as follows:
ordering info is as follows:
paypal to vespiaries at gmail dot com; please email at the same address for current mailing address for snailmail orders and/or trades.