an excerpt: "i barricaded myself in your bathroom to take a series of self-portraits on my cell phone camera. [...] i’m wearing that ridiculous black leather jacket, and i look glassy-eyed and tired and miserable and washed out against the backdrop of seafoam-green tile walls of your bathroom. you’re in some of them, too, smiling and laughing, but only because you’re already high as a fucking kite. i only seem to remember you smiling when you were under the influence of some substance or other."
wild tigers ... is 20 quarter letter pages full of text with a white vellum cover and pink ribbon binding. a copy can be yours for a mere $1.50 stateside or $2.50 elsewhere in the world. i'm also up for trades, and distro consideration copies are available on request.
ordering info is as follows:
paypal to vespiaries at gmail dot com; well-concealed cash can be mailed to Rae Logios//p.o. box 8023//omaha, ne 68108-0023//usa.
paypal to vespiaries at gmail dot com; well-concealed cash can be mailed to Rae Logios//p.o. box 8023//omaha, ne 68108-0023//usa.